Dear straight people,
I want you to know that I love you. I know my queerness makes many of you uncomfortable, and I’m sorry. I just hope you understand that my goal is not to rub it in your face, but to show the world that I love myself. It took me 20 years to do that.
I love you. You are my dearest friends, my sweet family, and my intelligent professors. Thank you to those of you who show me kindness and love even though you don’t quite understand how my community works. I know we do not see eye to eye, but I am thankful for your criticism. It has made me a better person.
Be thankful that being straight comes to you naturally. I envied you, but I learned to love being me.
Dear straight men,
Sometimes I assume that all of you want to beat me up or call me names, because those things happened to me in high school. Some of you are my best friends here at HU, and you showed me what God’s love really looks like. You are all so important to me and you have made an amazing impact on my life. To those of you who do not know me: please be kind. Just because I am attracted to men doesn’t mean that I am incapable of friendship, just like you can be friends with girls. Guys, I need you. We need you. I’m tired of walking by a group of men and feeling like they are going to hit me. I fear you, and I need to know that I am safe with you. Let me know that I am safe here.
Dear straight people of Harding,
Ask me about my story and my faith. My story may be a rainbow-rific glitter-fest, but I almost died getting here. Please listen.
Sometimes I don’t feel welcome at Harding. In some of my classes you talk about my people like you are disgusted by us. I am disgusted by your disgust. To those of you who care: please speak up for me.
If Jesus were here at Harding, He would not be hanging out with you. He would be eating lunch with me because I need Him. Jesus is not scared of me. You shouldn’t be scared either. Jesus loves everyone, Especially me.
Please understand how important it is that you read what we have to say. This is the only voice we have.
(that felt good)
There are so many queer people on campus. Do not be surprised to hear it. We are here, and we are queer.
I know Harding has an anti-bullying policy, but for justice to be served, we must come out… Why don’t we? Coming out makes us a target. We are NOT safe here.
Dear Dr. McLarty,
You say Harding students are “just different,” but not all of them are. These are the same students who make me feel like an unwanted guest in my own home. These are the same students who make me question my faith by telling me I am going to Hell. They do NOT know my heart like God does. Please speak up for us Dr. McClarty. Please acknowledge us. We are tired of being silent, but we are not safe enough to speak up for ourselves. And your silence is deafening.
Dear straight people,
Welcome to Harding.